Which autism apps are the right fit for your child? Many children with autism spectrum disorder either have difficulties with communication. In some cases, they may be entirely nonverbal. Thanks to technology, an increasing number of resources are being developed to give children a better chance at communication, self-expression, and language development. aba|tools is a new language development app designed by BCBAs to augment or replace traditional ABA-style materials. Try aba|tools free today!
Can My Child Learn Verbal Behavior Skills From an App?
If a child is having trouble understanding others’ language, they may have a receptive language delay. Receptive language involves a child’s ability to understand spoken language from the world around them. Children who have trouble understanding language may struggle with the following skills:
- Reacting to language
- Following directions
- Answering questions
- Identifying objects and pictures
- Paying attention
- Understanding stories
Tips for Helping Children With Autism Apps
When we as parents, therapists, teachers, and ABA therapists implement an intervention, such as an autism app, everyone working with the child–therapists, parents, teachers, and other caregivers should do their best to be consistent in order to encourage a meaningful change in the child’s behavior. Have a designated space and routine for starting the app or using autism resources. As the child gets accustomed to the routine, you can make gradual changes.
Expressive and Receptive Language Apps
If a child has trouble understanding others or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings, they may have a language delay. A language delay could potentially be a receptive or expressive language difficulty. To determine if your child has a receptive or expressive language delay, it is important first to understand the difference between receptive language and expressive language, and which apps can be used to help children overcome delays.
Build The Foundations of Verbal Behavior By Teaching Receptive Language
Receptive language involves the ability to comprehend spoken language. A person’s ability to listen and follow directions, such as “Put on your shoes” relies on the person’s receptive language skills. Children are usually able to comprehend language before they are able to verbalize it themselves. Some children who are unable to understand language may benefit from intraverbal webbing. Children who have trouble understanding language may struggle with the following skills:
- Reacting to language
- Following directions
- Answering questions
- Identifying objects and pictures
- Paying attention
- Understanding stories
Teaching Expressive Language Starts with the Right ABA Tools
Expressive language is the ability to produce language to express your wants and needs. Expressive language also reflects our ability to put thoughts into words and sentences in a way that makes sense. Children that have difficulty communicating their needs and wants could have expressive language difficulties or an expressive language disorder. Being unable to tell you when they are hungry or need to use the restroom could have delays in receptive language. Children who have difficulty producing language could have trouble with the following tasks:
- Naming objects
- Asking questions
- Using gestures
- Using facial expressions
- Comments
- Vocabulary
Autism Apps: Mobile Technology Is a Game-Changer
If your child doesn’t have an iPad or tablet, this is the best time to get one. Children on the autism spectrum can absolutely benefit from language apps, but voice recording apps can help with expressive language development. The best autism apps are those that parents can do with their children. If possible, try to avoid having your child sit alone on their tablet. Although it might keep them quiet, the best way to learn to communicate is to communicate.
Start Teaching Verbal Behavior Today
aba|tools is a new program designed by a BCBA to augment or replace traditional ABA materials. Contact aba|tools to access our verbal behavior teaching resources!